Observation of Growth and Yielding of Four Apple Cultivars Budded on Semidwarfing Rootstocks

Stanisław Wociór

Grzegorz Chuchnowski


In the conditions of Sandomierska Plateau trees of Szampion and Idared cultivars budded on MM.106 had the highest trunk cross section area and differed significantly from cultivars Idared and Lobo budded on M.26. A yearly increase of trunk cross section area in 2003 was greater than in others. The highest differences were observed for cultivars Szampion on MM.106 and Lobo and Idared on M.26 which yielded in 2003 year slightly. The yielding depended the size of trees. The highest yield per tree and per 1 ha was given by cultivars Szampion and Idared budded on MM.106. In our conditions trees on semidwarfing rootstocks planted in density 700 szt. per ha gave a very heavy yield of about 49t/ha.The biggest irregularity of yielding was noted for the Szampion trees on MM.106 and Idared and Lobo trees on M.26. Hand thinning of 50% flowers on Idared and Lobo cvs resulted in a significant increase of the percent of the fruits of more than 9 cm diameter.


apple trees, cultivars, rootstocks, thinning of flowers

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Stanisław Wociór 
Grzegorz Chuchnowski 


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