Horticultural therapy as a tool influencing the improvement of human mental and physical health


Katedra Warzywnictwa i Roślin Leczniczych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie ul. S. Leszczyńskiego 58, 20-068 Lublin


Hortitherapy (horticultural therapy, gardening therapy) is one of the forms of unconventional therapy which uses plants to improve the physical and mental condition of people. It is recommended for a wide group of patients (among others, disabled, handicapped, mentally ill or elderly people as well as children with developmental disorders). Mentally handicapped persons need more versatile activity than intellectually normal people. Gardening and being in a garden guarantee a rich source of sensory impressions for them, thereby improving their mood. Horticultural therapy can be conducted in the gardens of schools, health care institutions, nursing homes, juvenile correctional facilities and prisons as well as in botanical gardens and parks. Newly established therapeutic gardens must take into account the requirements of different groups of patients, in particular gardens built for the needs of disabled people should be suitable not only for visiting (passive hortitherapy), but they should also enable active participation in growing and tending plants (active hortitherapy).



horticultural therapy, active hortitherapy, passive hortitherapy

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Katedra Warzywnictwa i Roślin Leczniczych, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie ul. S. Leszczyńskiego 58, 20-068 Lublin


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