Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Processes of changes in agricultural farms of Kujawy & Pomorze Province

Waldemar Bojar

Grzegorz Dzieża


There were surveyed tendencies of changes in resources of selected farms of Kujawy&Pomorze Province on the basis of empirical data and declared by farmers’ co-operation forms in the paper. The obtained results show positive change tendencies in the scope of farmer age structure and education and also improvement of farm technical equipment. One can observe growth in consciousness of farm managers in the field of necessity of mutual co-operation, which especially strongly occurred in a group of agricultural entrepreneurs carrying out production activity on a wider scale. Insufficient farmers’ conviction about taking initiatives concerning the creation of producer groups and also co-operation with local administration and self-governmental sector can be factors stopping the development of processes of changes in the farms of Kujawy&Pomorze Province.


farm, changes, resources

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Waldemar Bojar 
Grzegorz Dzieża 


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