Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Evaluation of conventional and integrated application of liquid fertilisers and plant protection agents in winter wheat cultivation

Helena Sztuder

Stanisław Strączyński


In the study a comparison was made of conventional and integrated application of liquid nitrogen fertilisers (ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium nitrateurea solution (ANUS)) and plant protection agents (full dose and reduced dose) through the determination of their effects in terms of production, ecological and economic criteria. Yields of winter wheat grain varied in relation to the type of nitrogen fertilisers and the technique of their application. Foliar application of nitrogen in the form of water solution of urea caused a significant increase in the yields of winter wheat grain and was conducive to a reduction in the content of mineral forms of nitrogen in the soil. On the other hand the reduced dose of plant protection agents, applied conventionally and in conjunction with liquid fertilisers, had no effect on the level of grain yields. In the study, the method of integrated application of fertilisers and plant protection agents proved to be more profitable compared to the conventional method.


liquid fertilisers, application, mineral nitrogen, winter wheat

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Helena Sztuder 
Stanisław Strączyński 


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