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Tom 79 Nr 2 (2024)


Morphological and agronomic features of potato cv. Gardena highly resistant to Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary depending on the nitrogen dose

Przesłane: 8 grudnia 2023
Opublikowane: 02.12.2024


In a 2-year field study, the impact of mineral nitrogen fertilization on the productivity of a new potato cultivar, promising due to the highest resistance to potato late blight among the registered ones, was compared to the proven, widely cultivated Denar cultivar. The study determined morphological features (size and weight of organs), physiological indicators (cover of soil by leaves – LAI. leaf greenness – SPAD) of potato plants during the growing season, yield and quality characteristics of tubers and optimal level of nitrogen fertilization. Tuber quality was assessed based on the share of tuber size and external defects in the yield structure. Optimal mineral nitrogen fertilization was determined based on the relationship between the increase in tuber yield and the increasing dose of this ingredient. The research took into account two factors: nitrogen dose (0, 50 kg‧ha–1, 100 kg‧ha–1, 150 kg‧ha1) and cultivar (Gardena and Denar). The increase in the dose of mineral nitrogen fertilization to 150 kg‧ha–1 resulted in a significant increase in plant height, the weight of the root system, stems, leaves and the share of large tubers in the yield. It was shown that the Gardena cultivar was characterized by greater requirements for mineral nitrogen fertilization, low effectiveness of its use, a higher share of large tubers (diameter above 60 mm) and lower tuber yield than the Denar cultivar. In a year characterized by excess rainfall, plants produced a greater mass of the root system and the mass of the above-ground part, and in a year with an amount of rainfall close to optimal the final yield of tubers and the share of large tubers in the yield were higher.


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