Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Agronomy Science (formerly: Annales UMCS sec. E Agricultura) is a peer-reviewed journal, published since 1945, nowadays quarterly, available in both paper and electronic forms, in open access, according to the Budapest Declaration, under the conditions CC BY 4.0 (until 2020 under the conditions CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
It is Polish and English language journal that publishes original experimental papers based on the results of research and development in all aspects of plant production, land utilization and environment protection as well as reviews in all areas of agronomy and plant production including actual problems of modern agriculture.
Title abbreviation: Agron. Sci.
Long-term preservation service where the journal is currently archived: The National Library (Polona, Academica).

ISSN: 2544-4476 (Print) ISSN: 2544-798X (Online)

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Changing the publication fee


From February 1, 2023, new article publication fees apply. For details, see the For Authors.


ORCID numbers required


The editorial office reminds of the obligation to include in the article ORCID numbers of all co-authors in the submitted article. Obtaining an ORCID number is free of charge.

Source of funding


The editorial office reminds of the obligation to include in the article information about the source of research and publication funding. If the source of funding is the author's private funds, this information should also be provided.

  • AGRO
  • Arianta
  • CAB Abstracts
  • DOAJ
  • EuroPub
  • Index Copernicus - ICI Journal Master List
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  • Most Wiedzy
  • Sherpa Romeo
  • Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory

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