Bacteria of the pseudomonas migula genus on stored vegetables

Rūta Tekorienė

Institute of Botany, Žaliuju

Albinas Lugauskas

Laboratory of Biodeterioration Research, Institute of Botany in Wilno

Milda Vasinauskienė

Laboratory of Biodeterioration Research, Institute of Botany in Wilno


For the study on Pseudomonas bacteria, samples of vegetables with soft rot symptoms were collected in a market place and storage-rooms. The samples were examined on selective media for Gram-negative bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas. Forty Pseudomonas strains were isolated from injured carrot roots, potato tubers, onions, leek leaves, beetroots, cabbages, radish. On the basis of biological tests the bacteria were ascribe to 10 Pseudomonas species: P. fluorescens, P. marginalis, P. putida, P. facilis, P. aeruginosa, P. delafieldii, P. cichorii , P. pseudoalcaligenes, P. cepacia (=Burkholderia cepacia), P. gladioli (=Burkholderia gladioli pv. aliicola). Five species isolated from potato tubes, carrot roots, onions, and beetroots – P. fluorescens, P. marginalis, P. cichorii, P. cepacia (= Burkholderia cepacia), and P. gladioli (=Burkholderia gladioli pv. aliicola) – were able to cause soft rot symptoms of various vegetables.


carrot, potato, onions, leek, beetroot, cabbage, radish, Pseudomonas spp.

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Rūta Tekorienė 
Institute of Botany, Žaliuju
Albinas Lugauskas 
Laboratory of Biodeterioration Research, Institute of Botany in Wilno
Milda Vasinauskienė 
Laboratory of Biodeterioration Research, Institute of Botany in Wilno



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