Diversification of power capacity in family farms

Zbigniew Wasąg

Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, Oddział w Biłgoraju


The study presents the resources and dynamics of change of power in family agricultural holdings in the years 2004–2009. 70 agricultural holdings have been analysed with respect to the amount of subsidies, area of arable land (AL), economic size and business income. The primary source of power comes from agricultural tractors. The level of installed capacity increases by two in farms of smaller areas, up to 10 ha AL, and this trend continues for farms with the lowest economic livelihood and a low level of business income. Power resources decrease together with a rise in the area of agricultural farms but the highest dynamics of change is seen in the smallest farms (< 10 ha AL).


agricultural holding, installed capacity, amount of subsidy

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Zbigniew Wasąg 
Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, Oddział w Biłgoraju


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