Bird strikes at Polish civil airfields – the importance of ecological factors in risk management


State School of Higher Education in Chelm, Pocztowa 54,22-100 Chelm


The analysis concerned the ecological aspects of 191 aircraft bird strikes at Polish airfields in 2006–2009. Of the identified birds, collisions most often involved swallows and martins, Eurasian kestrels, and gulls. The species with the highest weight involved in bird strikes were the mute swan and the white stork. Bird strikes were more frequent during the landings than during the take-offs. Birds most frequently hit the engines and fuselages of planes. The highest proportion of bird strikes occurred in July and August (41.0%). Those bird strikes during which multiple structural elements were simultaneously hit most often (92.0%) took place in the June– September period.


bird strikes, airfields, environmental security, risk management

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State School of Higher Education in Chelm, Pocztowa 54,22-100 Chelm


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