The behaviour of calves in innovative room of open housing


Department of Technology, Ecology and Economics of Animal Production, National Research Institute of Animal Production, 32-083 Balice n Kraków


Department of Animal Biotechnology, University of Agriculture in Cracow, Rędzina 1b, 30-248 Kraków, Poland


Horse stud ”Nowe Jankowice” in Nowe Jankowice Ltd., Nowe Jankowice 17, 86-320 Łasin, Poland


The purpose of research was to determine the influence of microclimatic conditions  and age on the behaviour of calves in the innovative open housing- "village for calves". Calves were kept in group pens made from group boxes of ”igloo” type and paddocks. Group K consisted of calves kept in summer (n = 20), and Group D of calves in winter (n = 20). In group pens micro- climate studies were performed, and calves were observed from ethological point of view for 24-hours. Based on obtained results a significant influence of microclimate on the time calves lied down in individual parts of pen group was shown, that is, in the box or on the paddock. The main factors of micro-climate determining the place to lie down in the pen was the speed of air move- ment in the first place and then air temperature. Calves younger both in summer and winter laid longer in the boxes than older calves. In  technological system  ”village for calves” the use of boxes of ”igloo” type protects calves from adverse effects of weather conditions, which is particu- larly important in winter.


open housing, microclimate of air, ethology

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Department of Technology, Ecology and Economics of Animal Production, National Research Institute of Animal Production, 32-083 Balice n Kraków
Department of Animal Biotechnology, University of Agriculture in Cracow, Rędzina 1b, 30-248 Kraków, Poland
Horse stud ”Nowe Jankowice” in Nowe Jankowice Ltd., Nowe Jankowice 17, 86-320 Łasin, Poland


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