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Tom 26 Nr 2 (2008)


Air emission of merkaptans and other sulfur compounds from poultry farm

Przesłane: kwietnia 22, 2021
Opublikowane: 2008-06-30


The air chromatographic analysis conducted at the poultry farm and its surrounding area aimed at determination of organic and inorganic sulfur compound concentration. The studies revealed the presence of air sulfur compounds of a markedly odourgenic nature, such as hydrogen sulfide, sulfides, disulfides and merkaptans. The average concentration of sulfur compounds (in-cluding unidentified ones) in the air of the hen house reached 73.06 μg m-3. Besides, the increased gaseous pollutant level in the air was established. The content of the determined contaminants was subject to a sampling site and time, in that atmospheric air temperature. The concentration of the identified merkaptans sum exceeded the average reference values in the air for a calendar year.


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