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Vol. 29 No. 4 (2011)


Detection of PRL/Alw21I polymorphism in ranch American mink (Neovison vison Schreb., 1777)

Submitted: April 1, 2021
Published: 2011-12-31


The aim of the present study was to detect the prolactin gene polymorphism 5978 T/C (PRL/Alw21I) and to determine the genetic structure of the examined flock, in terms of the analysed SNP. For this purpose, six breeds (Standard, Scanblack, Sapphire, Pearl, Black Cross and Sapphire Cross) of the ranch American mink (Neovison vison Schreb., 1777) were examined. Polymorphism 5978 T/C was detected in a fragment of the 3rd intron, by PCR-ACRS-RFLP analysis (Alw21I restrictase was used). It was shown that there are two alleles – PRLT and PRLC and three genotypes – PRLTPRLT, PRLTPRLC, PRLCPRLC, according to recognized SNP. Genotyping of 165 individuals showed higher frequency (0.87) of the PRLT allele (highest in Sapphire minks, and lowest in Standard minks) and lower (0.13) of the PRLC allele. The percentage of individuals with PRLTPRLT genotype was equal 75.2%, with PRLTPRLC genotype – 26.3%, and with PRLCPRLC genotype – 1.2%. The obtained results suggest that the breeding work contributes to the elimination of PRLC allele from the gene pool of ranch minks and that strong selection pressure on 3rd intron of prolactin gene occurred in Scanblack, Sapphire and Sapphire Cross breeds.


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