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Vol. 28 No. 3 (2010)


Evaluation of factors determining consumer preferences relating to pork quality

Submitted: April 6, 2021
Published: 2010-09-30


The purpose of the paper was to explore consumer behaviour when buying and consuming pork. The analysis referred to the opinions of 100 respondents who had completed the
questionnaire. Based on the opinion survey, it was concluded that pork enjoyed considerable popularity among the consumers. The fact stemmed from a ready access to the meat and its relatively low price as compared with beef. Furthermore, pork was the meat of choice due to its taste, smell and colour. More than 80% of the interviewees thought that the pork they bought was of good quality and only 16% were dissatisfied with it. The majority (55%) of the respondents purchased meat at butcher’s shops, 28% at farms and 17% in supermarkets, with a preference for pork with a minimal fat layer. Consumers expressed particular interest in acquiring pork from traditionally fed animals or animals raised on organic farms.


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