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Vol. 24 (2006)


Ocena skuteczności pracy hodowlanej w zakresie cech użytkowości rozpłodowej loch rasy pbz w grupach genetycznych stada zarodowego w Pukarzowie

Submitted: August 12, 2021
Published: 31.12.2006


Reproduction performance of sows from 3 subsequent generations in breeding herd of pbz in Pukarzów, where breeding work was carried out within 8 genetic groups, was evaluated. Data
referring to the reproduction performance of 1371 sows born in 1978–1985 and 5256 litters obtained from them were taken into account. It was found that pbz sows originating from the breeding
center were characterized with performance indices similar to average values for this breed sows in Poland and being under control in 1978–1985. It was revealed that, during the three generations,
gilts farrowed on 337.14 day (11.2 month), on average. The best results were achieved in 1rd generation sows, which farrowed 9.16 piglets in a litter. In subsequent generations, the trait decreased (statistically significant differences). A similar tendency was observed referring to the number of piglets reared till the 21st day of life. The farrowing frequency was high (2–2.15), because the farrowing interval was within the range between 169.5 days to 182.7 days. Litter weight on the 21st day of life, across the three generations, was at the level of 56.63 kg. Piglets’ mortality for all analyzed genetic groups was 3.04%, on average. Taking into account the pattern of sow’s reproduction performance indices in particular genetic groups, differentiation of genetic potential, was found. However, the best results were achieved in groups “g” and “e” . Selection directed to reproduction traits was slight or at least medium, because it amounted to 0.04 to 0.46 units of standard deviation.


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