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Vol. 24 (2006)


Charakterystyka wybranych cech jakości osobniczej samców saren (Capreolus capreolus L. 1758) z Wyżyny Lubelskiej

Submitted: August 24, 2021
Published: 2006-12-31


The research of ontogenetic quality of the male roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) was carried out on the basis of the weight of carcass and measurement features of antlers and skulls (the length of beams, the width of the skull and the length and location of the front and back offshoots) of roebucks found in the Lublin Upland in hunting seasons 2001/2002 and 2002/2003. There was a discrepancy in the weight of carcass and antlers in particular age groups, but only in younger age groups the average values of these features differed statistically significantly. The correlation rate between the weight of carcass and antlers was high and significant, rxy = 0.717. The width of the skull also increased in ontogenetic life, and its average values differed in the three youngest age groups. The length of beams in ontogenetic life of the animals increased from 7.9 cm for one-yearold roebucks to 20.1 cm for the oldest roebucks, but significant differences could be found among the three first age groups. The development of the offshoots was characterized by the growth of the frequency of the appearance and the length along with animals’ age. Considerable discrepancies were revealed in the length of the front and back offshoots. The location of the front offshoots (measured from the lower edge of the coronet) increased along with the age from 7.5 cm to 9,1 cm, and the location of the back offshoots – from 9.5 cm to 14.5 cm. As far as the front offshoots are concerned (given in percentage in relation to the length of beams) decreased from 52% for one-year-old roebucks to 45% for four-year-old or older roebucks, while the location of the back offshoots increased from 65% for one-year-old roebucks to 69% for five-year-old or older ones.


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