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Vol. 39 No. 2 (2023)


Analysis of the arachnophobia level based on contact with spiders and the Fear of Spiders Questionnaire

Submitted: January 18, 2023
Published: 2023-12-15


Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias in society. The study was based on an online survey and a stationary study. The questionnaire was completed by 364 respondents. In the first part the respondents determined their level of arachnophobia on the Likert scale (IOA, individual assessment of arachnophobia), and in the second part completed the Fear of Spiders Questionnaire (FSQ). Near 50% of respondents declared fear of spiders. There was a positive correlation between the FSQ results and IOA. In stationary study took part 7 women. Before the study, they completed the questionnaire from the first part of the study. During the study, the participants observed three spiders and the moult. Before, during, and after the study heart rate was measured. The mean score of the FSQ study was 103 and IOA scored between 5 to 7. The mean heart rate during contact with spiders was 113 bpm. Contact with spiders was a stressful situation, but the heart rate decreased just after 5 min.


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