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Vol. 39 No. 2 (2023)


Level of noise exposure associated with floor sanding during a nominal working day

Submitted: February 13, 2023
Published: 2023-12-15


The aim of this study was to investigate the noise exposure of employees providing sanding services for wooden floors. The research was conducted during a typical working day. Measurements were made during three basic activities for this type of service – tidying and vacuuming, grinding and polishing, and polishing grinding together with the removal of old coatings. A sonometer, Sonopan DSA-50 class I, was used for the measurements. The highest exceeding of the permissible noise standards during proper scraping was found. Thus, the daily noise exposure level of employees was exceeded. The research showed that the use of hearing protectors, necessary for safe performance of work at this position, is appropriate for employees.


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