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Vol. 34 No. 4 (2016)


The level of ammonia in the piggery during the fattening of pigs

Submitted: July 10, 2019
Published: 2016-12-12


The aim of the study was to determine the emission of ammonia from breeding pigs. During the research the farm was 500 sows and 800 piglets and 1,200 finishers in rooms with different maintenance system. Air samples were collected in every room of 3 measuring points portable aspirator MX6 multi-gas iBrid. Analyzing this magnitude were obtained daily emission of ammonia in rooms with weaners at 76.69 g per day, while indoors finishers 41.19 g per day. The observed concentrations of ammonia in the course of pig production were in the lower range given by other authors. Despite a significant reduction in the release of this gas, it is still necessary to monitor its levels in the buildings of pigs in order to best limit its harmful effects on the health of animals and ecosystems.


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