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Vol. 29 No. 3 (2019)


Evaluation of the biological value of the fruit of selected cultivars of annual pepper

Submitted: September 24, 2019
Published: 2019-09-19


The aim of the study was to assess the dry matter and content of selected biologically active compounds in the fruits of selected cultivars of annual pepper. The study consisted of two experiments. Plants were grown in a plastic tunnel. The experimental material in the first experiment consisted of ten sweet cultivars of pepper: ‘Indus’ F1, ‘CRX66131’ F1, ‘Remus’ F1, ‘CRX61035’ F1, ‘CRX63134’ F1, ‘CRX63135’ F1, ‘CRX63142’ F1, ‘Kurtovska Kapiya’, ‘Delikates’, ‘Oda’. In the second experiment, five pepper cultivars were tested: two cultivars from the Habanero group with yellow and orange fruits and three cultivars from the ‘Fireflame’ group with yellow, orange and red fruits. Chemical analyses in the air-dry raw material included the determination of dry matter, chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll and total carotenoids. Differences were found in the content of individual chemical compounds in the raw material, depending on the cultivar. Among the sweet pepper cultivars tested, the highest content of chlorophyll a was found in the fruits of ‘CRX66131’ F1, ‘CRX61035’ F1, ‘Remus’ F1 and ‘CRX63134’ F1 cultivars. There were no significant differences in the content of chlorophyll b in the fruit of the tested sweet pepper cultivars. The fruits of the ‘CRX61035’ F1 cultivar were characterized by the highest total chlorophyll content. The raw material of the ‘Delikates’ cultivar was characterized by the highest content of total carotenoids. Fruits of this cultivar were also distinguished by a significantly higher dry matter. Among the hot pepper cultivars tested, the orange ‘Fireflame’ pepper raw material was characterized by a significantly higher dry matter. Significant differences were found in the content of chlorophyll a, b and total in the fruits of the tested hot pepper cultivars. The fruits of the orange ‘Fireflame’ cultivar were characterized by a higher chlorophyll a and total chlorophyll content. Fruits of this cultivar were also distinguished by the highest chlorophyll b content. The highest total carotenoids content was found in the raw material of ‘Fireflame’ with red fruits.


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