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Vol. 27 No. 2 (2017)


Morphological identification of Monilinia fungi on apple fruits occurring in the orchards of the Lublin Province

Submitted: January 5, 2019
Published: 22.06.2017


Among the pathogens occurring on apple trees, Monilinia fungi have a great importance. It causes brown rot of stone fruit. It is a disease that occurs in apple orchards throughout the country. The purpose of the research was monitoring Monilinia fungi in apple orchards in the Lublin Province. Research conducted in the years 2013–2014 included a collection of mummies (mummified apples with visible sporodochia) from the ecological orchards in the spring and autumn. Morphological characteristics of the colonies were evaluated, such as growth rate, color and surface of culture, as well as spore size. Colonies of Monilinia spp. obtained in laboratory were assigned to the species. According to the research, four species of Monilinia fungi, namely M. fructigena, M. laxa, M. fructicola and M. polystroma, were found in apple orchards located in the Lublin Province. M. fructigena fungus was predominant on apple fruits. This species was isolated more often in spring than in autumn. There was also a significant number of M. fructicola and M. laxa in the mummies whose colonies were isolated more often in autumn than in spring. Morphological identification of Monilinia spp. should be confirmed by genetic analysis because the macroscopic and microscopic features of Monilinia spp. are very similar. The conducted studies indicate the need for systematic monitoring of fruit orchards.


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