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Vol. 27 No. 2 (2017)


Characteristics of genus Paeonia plants in the Botanical Garden of the Mariae Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. Part II. Ornamental value

Submitted: January 6, 2019
Published: 2017-06-22


In 2001–2003 at the Botanical Garden UMCS in Lublin 9 different species of peony, growing in 4 sections of the garden were evaluated. The following features we identified: plant height and diameter, the number of flowers per shoot and per plant, their diameter and colour. Their ornamental value was rated in the form of a questionnaire, on a 5-point scale. The largest number of flowers characterized shrubby peonies, namely 10 year-old P. delavayi and 12 year-old P. lutea – which produced over 50 flowers each. The fewest flowers were noted on 1 year-old – P. anomala subsp. anomala – 2–9. Paeonia delavayi and P. lutea, are suitable for planting individually, while P. tenuifolia, can be successfully grown in alpinarium and rock gardens.  A P. tenuifolia and P. mlokosewitschii, were recognized as the most decorative peony species, and P. anomala subsp. anomala as the least decorative  one. All species observed produced single flowers and therefore they may be planted in Japanese, naturalistic, and rustic gardens. Their shoots do not bind on the surface of soil during rain and do not require tying. The ornamental value of P. mlokosewitschii and P. lutea  lasted the longest – 131 days and 124 days, respectively. The big ornamental value makes peonies the perennials which deserve greater interest and wide use in the areas of urban greenery.


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