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Vol. 27 No. 4 (2017)


Application of PiCUS® Sonic Tomograph 3 in dendroflora research – a castle and court complex in Krupe from Krasnystaw commune

Submitted: January 18, 2019
Published: 2017-12-20


The aim of the research was to check the suitability of the PiCUS Sonic 3 Tomograph to assess the health condition of trees with monumental dimensions from the species Fraxinus excelsior growing in the castle-court complex in the town of Krupe, Krasnystaw commune. The ruins of the Krupe castle are situated on the picturesque backwaters of the Wieprz river tributaries, 6 km north of Krasnystaw. In total, there are approximately 150 trees in various health conditions in the area of 2.3 hectares. These are mainly ash, chestnut, robinia and willow trees, as well as individual specimens of apple and pear. The state of the interior of the five selected tree trunks is illustrated in the form of colorful tomograms. The performed research allowed for early diagnosis and selection of the best activities aimed at increasing the safety of users and preserving the substance of the historic site.


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