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Vol. 31 No. 2 (2022)


Influence of method of seedling preparation on yielding of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

Submitted: March 21, 2022
Published: 2022-09-01


The hot pepper belongs to plants grown from seedlings prepared in pots. In present experiment we investigated the effect of simplified methods of seedling preparation on the yield of three Polish hot pepper cultivars: Bronowicka Ostra, Orkan, Rokita. Four methods of seedling production were used: conical pot pallets; round pot pallets; single pots with two seedlings; single pots with one seedling. The obtained marketable yield indicated the suitability of conical and round pot pallets for the production of hot pepper seedlings, which provide 50% less substrate use compared to single pots. In view of inadequate yield increase and use of twice as many seeds the preparation seedlings in single pots with two plants is irrational. The method of seedling preparation did not decide on the content of determined chemical components. The assessed cultivars did not differ in the marketable yield fruit. On the other hand, a significant difference was demonstrated between the assessed cultivars in the content of dry matter (%), L-ascorbic acid (mg·100 g–1), total sugars (g·100 g–1) and capsaicin (%) in the fruit.


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