The strict field experiment was conducted at The Experimental Station in Czeslawice, a part of the Aricultural University in Lublin in the years 2000–2002.The experiment was set up on podzolic soil formed from loess, a good wheat complex. The research focused on the infestation of a naked oats canopy at the following developmental stages: propagation, shooting and grain wax maturity cultivated under various systems of soil tillage. In the studied soil tillage systems, the short-lived species proved to dominate, including Capsella bursa-pastoris, Galinsoga parviflora, Chenopodium album, Apera spica-venti, Matricaria maritima ssp. indora, Gnaphalium uliginosum, Viola arvensis and Myosotis arvensis. They constituted from 74.3% to 55,1% of the total weed number. The least dynamics of weeds inhabiting the naked oats canopies was recorded at the grain wax maturity stage. The chemical treatment of the oats canopies over the shooting stage appeared to be most efficient for weed reduction. The highest weed biomass in an oats canopy was reported in the objects with simplified soil tillage and direct sowing. The applied treatment measures did not affect the development of weed biomass significantly.
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