Carbon farming and nutrient management, a sustainable pro-environmental and pro-climate approach to enhance soil quality and mitigate carbon losses, faces implementation challenges in the European Union. To explore potentially existing barriers, a survey involved 122 Polish farmers, representing diverse systems and land-use. Utilizing structured questionnaires, in-depth interviews,
and Principal Component Analysis, we assessed farmers’ perceptions of six pro-environmental and pro-climate measures. The survey highlighted factors influencing farmers’ willingness to adopt surveyed practices, revealing that the potential to enhance soil carbon and nitrogen stocks outweighed the impact of subsidies, bureaucracy, age, and farm size. Barriers included technical challenges and machinery limitations, notably hindering manure and slurry incorporation. Conservation tillage was considered least feasible nationally, attributed to machinery needs and a preference for conventional practices. Addressing these challenges, especially in conservation tillage, requires targeted education. Raising awareness about measures’ impact on soil carbon stock emerged as a potent means to overcome identified barriers.
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