Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 64 No. 3 (2009)


Weed infestation structure and biomass productivity of winter wheat and weeds depending on crop sequence system and protection method

Submitted: May 20, 2020
Published: 2009-09-21


The field experiment with winter wheat cultivation was conducted from 2002 to 2005 on the brown soil in Central Lubelszczyzna region. The experiment included two systems of crop sequence (monoculture and crop rotation). Other factors were the protection method (intensive and economical). The intensive protection consisted in the use of a full recommended dose of NPK mineral fertilizers and herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and retardants. The economical protection was limited to mineral fertilizing half decreased as well as to the application of half dose of herbicides and fungicide. What was determined is the influence of the above factors on weed infestation of winter wheat, the production of cereal biomass and mutual relationships between phytomass of canopy components. The experiment proveda that a 4-year monoculture of winter wheat causes a considerable increase of weed infestation as compared with crop rotation. Moreover, monoculture as well as economical protection encouraged compensation of some weed species, especially Stellaria media and Matricaria maritima ssp. inodora. The entire productivity of agricenosis of winter wheat in monoculture was similar to the one in crop rotation. However, the cultivation in monoculture caused a significant decrease of wheat phytomass and the proportion of weeds in general biomass increased several times. The introduction of intensive protection  even more significantly differentiated the relations between the biomass of wheat and weeds, radically limiting the percentage proportion of weeds. The economical protection had a smaller effect on the reduction of the number and mass of weeds in a canopy and did not compensate for negative effects of cultivation of winter wheat in monoculture.


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