Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 78 No. 1 (2023)


Effect of mineral nitrogen fertilization on the yield and tubers quality of very early and early potato varieties grown on the early harvest

Submitted: November 4, 2022
Published: 2023-06-09


In the years 2017–2019, two-factor experiments were carried out at PBAI–NRI Jadwisin Branch on light soil. The aim of the study was to determine mineral nitrogen fertilization on the yield and selected quality features of tubers of potato varieties grown for early harvest, as well as the requirements for the optimal dose of nitrogen. Yield and tuber quality were assessed after harvest, 75 days after potato planting. The quality of tubers was assessed on the basis of structure (share of small, medium and large tubers in the yield), external defects (share of deformed, green and scab-infested tubers in the yield), starch and nitrates (V) content in tubers. On the basis of the regression function, the requirements of the varieties in relation to the optimal dose l of nitrogen were determined. The experimental factors were: nitrogen dose (50, 100, 150 kg·ha–1 and the object without nitrogen) and varieties (Bohun, Lady Rosetta, Lawenda, Madeleine, Magnolia – edible, early and Tonacja – edible, very early). The use of a nitrogen dose of 50 kg N·ha–1 contributed to a significant increase in yield and starch content in tubers. Under the influence of the nitrogen dose in the amount of 100 and 150 kg N·ha–1, a significant decrease in the share of small tubers – with a diameter of less than 30 mm, medium tubers – with a diameter of 31–60 mm, and an increase in the share of large tubers – with a diameter above 60 mm, was obtained in the yield structure, and nitrate (V) levels in tubers. The tested varieties showed different requirements in relation to the optimal dose of nitrogen, from 72 to 95 kg N·ha–1. The varieties Lawenda and Magnolia were the most predisposed to grown on early harvest.


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