Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 78 No. 4 (2023)


Deficits and excesses of precipitation in winter wheat cultivation in the Lublin region in the years 1971–2020

Submitted: July 5, 2023
Published: 2024-04-18


The aim of the study was to evaluate the magnitude and frequency of deficits and excesses of precipitation in the Lublin region in the years 1971–2020 in winter wheat cultivation. The study used monthly values of mean air temperature and precipitation totals from 11 meteorological stations. Statistical data on yields of winter wheat grown in central-eastern Poland in the years (1971–2020) were also used. On the basis of the study, it was found that the average monthly rainfall totals were similar to the rainfall needs of winter wheat. However, high temporal and spatial variability of precipitation was observed. In April and May, the extent of rainfall deficits and excesses was smaller than in June and July. The frequency of precipitation deficits and excesses was higher
in the western part of the study area (upper Vistula basin area) than in the eastern and north-eastern parts (Bug and Narew basin areas). Winter wheat yields were only significantly affected by rainfall deficits in May and June. The problem of climate warming and the consequent increase in precipitation variability indicates the need for further scientific research in the cultivation of such a strategic cereal.


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