Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 67 No. 4 (2012)


The expansion of Lactuca serriola L. in segetal communities in the borders of the Siedlce city and the adjacent areas

Submitted: May 31, 2019
Published: 2012-12-04


The aim of the study was to determine the occurrence frequency of Lactuca serriola in segetal communities of the Siedlce city and the adjacent areas. The studies were carried out in the years 2009–2010. The occurrence of the species was also recorded in wasteland and roadside areas. The analyzed species used to spread heavily in ruderal and segetal communities of the stu-died area. Currently, Lactuca serriola appears in the roadsides of all exit routes from the city as well as in wastelands in the early stages of succession. Ten years ago the species was recorded only in one plot of segetal community with Juncus bufonius, whereas at present it is noted in almost all cultivations in the borders of the city and almost in a half – in immediately adjacent areas. Segetal communities in the studied region are strongly ruderalised due to the frequent close vicinity of ​​wastelands and building sites. The specific landscape structure and habitat transformations caused by changes in the manner of land use, the pressure from the city and the low intensity of agricultural production favour the expansion of Lactuca serriola in the segetal communities of the whole study area.


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