Within integrated pest management programs, biological control of unwanted plants has remarkable capacity to provide viable, effective, and economic control of weeds. When using bio-herbicides, crop production and quality improve with virtually no damage to the ecosystem. Bioherbicides are target-specific, destroy only selected weeds that have been sprayed for and do not cause harm to non-target plants. Bio-herbicides can be quickly incorporated into weed control programs, which can reduce chemical herbicide dependence. We are also raising the chance of environmental pollution by pesticides. There are only a few bio-herbicides available on commercial bases although work began earlier in the 1940s. Sources of commercialized bioherbicides include Phytophthora palmivora (Devine), Collectotrichum gleosporiodes (Collego), Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Binomial) and Streptomyces viridochromogenes (Bialaphos and Glufosinate). Virulence for pathogens and their environmental requirement are major constraints for bioherbicide development. Specific bio-herbicides should be useful in finding position in irrigated fields, wildlife while thriving weeds with pests or resistant weed control.
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