A differentiated ability of heavy metals accumulation was found between different lettuce cultivars. In combinations with an addition of lead and cadmium grown in autumn, the least amount of lead was accumulated by Agora, Regina and Bona cvs, while the least amount of cadmium was found in Saba and Bona cvs. In spring, Syrena cv. accumulated the least amount of lead, while Marta cv. showed the least amount of cadmium.
Crews M.H., Davies E.B., 1985. Heavy metals uptake from contaminated soils by six varieties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). J. Agric. Sci. Camb. 105, 591–595.
Dziennik Ustaw Nr 37, z dnia 4 marca 2003. Rozp. Ministra Zdrowia nr 327.
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