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Tom 20 Nr 3 (2021)



Przesłane: 11 lutego 2020
Opublikowane: 2021-06-30


The results of the investigation proved the gametophytic origin of diploids derived from two-embryonic seeds of pepper C. annuum L. hybrid. During the germination of seeds harvested from the red fruited hybrid (C. annuum L. ATZ × C. annuum L.`Sono`) F1, additional embryos have been found. Four of diploid twins F2 generation were different in their phenotype within the pair and/or from the F1 mother plant. Plants of three pairs: 1A-1B, 2A-2B, 4A-4B were significantly different with regard to the average fruit weight, length and seeds number. Yellow colour of ripe fruit was characteristic for 2A, 3A and 3B plants. In RAPD molecular analysis, twenty-three primers were used and six of them enabled polymorphic products to be obtained in reactions. The results of the analysis confirmed phenotypic differentiation of the twins and their parental forms. The phenotypic and molecular analyses proved that spontaneous diploids from a two-embryonic seeds are ready for the production of genetically stable, sexual progeny.


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