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Tom 19 Nr 4 (2020)



Przesłane: 28 sierpnia 2020
Opublikowane: 2020-08-28


In today’s modern viticulture, reflective mulches and summer pruning practices are remarkable tools that
may facilitate grape growers to increase yield and improve the grape quality. This study aimed to assess how
reflective mulch application (RM) affects components of phenolic compounds and anthocyanin of cv. Syrah
the compared to other preharvest applications such as basal leaf removal application (BLR), foliar proline
application (PRO) and their various combinations, including applications of basal leaf removal + proline
(BLR+PRO), basal leaf removal + reflective mulch (BLR+RM), proline + reflective mulch (PRO+RM) and
basal leaf removal + proline + reflective mulch (BLR+PRO+RM). The study findings demonstrated that reflective
mulch application (RM) may considerably enhance light distribution in the canopy of grapevine by
increasing reflected light from the ground. In the current study, it was observed that combined applications
had significant roles on improving yield and quality characteristics. In terms of total phenolic compounds
content, the highest values were obtained from applications of BLR+RM and PRO+RM. Moreover, all applications
had a rise to crucial increases in total anthocyanin content of cv. Syrah wine grape when the compared
with C application.


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