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Tom 14 Nr 3 (2015)



Przesłane: 8 listopada 2020
Opublikowane: 2015-06-30


The knowledge on nematodes occurrence in Polish vineyards is poor. The surveys of the species from the rhizosphere of plants were conducted between 2013 and 2014 in 12 vineyards in the northwestern part of Poland. Recovery of the nematodes was made in two steps. First, through incubation of 50 g of the roots on sieve. Second, by centrifugation method using 200 g of soil. Nematodes obtained were killed by hot 6% formaline and then processed to glycerine. Permanent slides were determined to the species using keys. During this process there were obtained nematode species from which 12 belonged to genus of fungivorous, 4 to genus of bacteriavorous and 38 to plant parasitic species. Ten of them are known as nematode vectors of plant viruses (GYFV, CLRV, TRV, AMV, SLRV, GLRaV-1, -2, -3, GVA, GVB, GVE, GFLV, GCMV, GrSPaV, GFkV, GRSPaV). Nematode fauna of vineyards needs broadly searching, especially nematode vectors of plant viruses, which are serious enemy to the vineyards. Studies on Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi in vine plants disease complex are necessary.


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