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Vol. 12 No. 5 (2013)



Submitted: December 16, 2020
Published: 2013-10-31


The study was aimed at determining the attractiveness of neighbouring habitats for Syrphidae (Diptera). The frequency of Syrphidae occurrence in apple orchards and on their edges was studied in 2008–2010. A quality analysis of Syrphidae communities in apple orchards and surrounding habitats was performed. The studied orchards bordered on cultivated fields, shrubberies and a road overgrown with trees and bushes. In total 55 Syrphidae species were reported, which made up 13.9% of this family fauna in Poland, with 38 species recorded in the orchards and 49 species in their vicinity. Both in the orchards and in their edges the dominant were zoophagous species. The analysis of occurrence frequencies for the Syrphidae in orchards and their vicinity established that they were similar and at the same time higher than for all the other habitats except the orchard and the agricultural land bordering on it. All the habitats were dominated by two zoophages, namely
Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer) and Eupeodes corollae (F.). The study proved that the plants of orchard edges constitutes a more attractive habitat for Syrphidae species than the orchard itself. The orchard edge habitats with abundant blooming greenery are the elements which attract Syrphidae more strongly than agricultural cultivations and which may determine the migration of those useful species onto orchards.


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