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Tom 11 Nr 4 (2012)



Przesłane: 29 grudnia 2020
Opublikowane: 2012-08-31


Garden dill is a popular seasoning plant used in central Europe and Asia. It is characterized by a relatively long period of seeds germination, as well as, uneven emergence of seedlings. The aim of research, conducted in the years 2009–2010, was the assessment of the effect of selected emergence improving cultivation treatments on the germination and growth of plants, as well as yield and chemical composition of dill. Twofactorial experiment was established according to randomized split-plot method, in three replications. The first factor involved post – sowing flat soil covering with the use of white polypropylene textile, transparent perforated foil, as well as 2 cm – thick sand layer and 5 cm layer of peat moss mixed with top layer of the soil. In control object post – sowing covering was not applied. The second factor consisted in irrigation. Results obtained in the experiment show that irrigation contributed to the increase in dill herb yield, on average,
by 21.4%. Among cultivation treatments applied, including flat covers and mulching, the highest increase in yield was ensured by the use of polypropylene textile (86.8%). It was also shown that dill accumulated nitrates in its leaves only to a small extent. Both irrigation and introduction of flat covers from polypropylene textile and perforated foil, as well as mulching with sand and peat moss did significantly accelerate garden dill emergence.


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