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Tom 9 Nr 1 (2010)



Przesłane: 17 stycznia 2021
Opublikowane: 2010-03-31


Foliar feeding of plants is an important supplementation of soil fertilization in vegetable cultivation. Foliar-fertilized plants deliver high yields of good quality at lower rates of mineral fertilization. In horticultural practice foliar fertilization is also recommended as the most effective method of supplying plants with nutrients under deficiency conditions. An experiment was established to evaluate an effect of foliar application with Florovit and combination Ekolist-Warzywa+Urea on the yield quality of six large-fruit melon cultivars (‘Pacstart’, ‘Yupi’, ‘Gattopardo’, ‘Polydor II’, ‘Seledyn’, ‘Legend’) cultivated in the climatic conditions of central-eastern Poland. The total yield was achieved from Florovit and Ekolist-fertilized plants did not differ significantly. A higher total yield was achieved from Florovit-fertilized plants compared with control object. ‘Yupi’ was characterised by higher total yields compared with the other cultivars. The greatest fruit number per 1 m2 was set by ‘Gattopardo’. On the basis of the results obtained it was found that, due to the highest share of marketable fruit, ‘Yupi’ is the cultivar recommended
for cultivation under the growing conditions of central-eastern Poland. ‘Seledyn’ was gave at least unripe fruit whereas ‘Pacstart’ produced the lowest share of diseaseaffected fruit. An application of the foliar fertilizers reduced the total sugar and monosaccharides content in melon fruit. Regardless of the kind of foliar feeding, most dry matter in the fruit was produced by ‘Pacstart’, total sugar and monosaccharides by ‘Yupi’ and ascorbic acid by ‘Legend’.


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