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Tom 18 Nr 3 (2019)



Przesłane: 18 czerwca 2019
Opublikowane: 2019-06-18


In order to evaluate the relationship between traits affecting the seed yield of the garden cress, phenotypic correlations between seed yield and yield components were detected, direct and indirect effects of yield components on yield and its role in the description of diversity were estimated, and the experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in 2017. The ANOVA showed that the difference among accessions was significant for all traits. There was a significant phenotypic correlation between yield and most of the traits. The highest value of phenotypic correlation was obtained between seed yield and the ‘thousand seed weight’ (0.97). The regression analysis showed that the seed yield was highly in- fluenced by the ‘thousand seed weight’, leaf height and the number of seeds per silique of the lateral branches and the main axis. These three traits constituted about 89% of changes in the total yield, while the ‘thousand seed weight’ was the most effective trait that entered the model and explained 51% of the variation. The path analysis of phenotypic correlation showed that the ‘thousand seed weight’ had the greatest direct effect on the yield (7.21). The ‘thousand seed weight’ had a positive indirect impact on other traits as well. As a result of the factor analysis, 3 independent factors explained about 79.33% of the yield variation. These factors con- sisted of the number of seeds per silique of the lateral branches, the number of seeds per silique of the main axis and the ‘thousand seed weight’.


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