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Vol. 15 No. 1-2 (2016)



Submitted: April 11, 2019
Published: 2017-10-28


The study proposes a method of mathematical modeling of the fruit of Arabica coffee beans and grains. A parametric curve equation was developed in the Cartesian coordinate system to describe 12 the cross-section contours of the 3D model of the first and second coffee beans that are adjacent to each other in the fruit. The external shape of the fruit of coffee described two connected Bézier curves, which are then rotated relative to the natural axis of symmetry about of 360°. Basing on the equation contours curves of cross-sections of two grains adjacent to each other and rotated Bézier curvers, a model of the 3D shape of the coffee beans of the fruit was built. The 3D model was scaled in relation to the three basic dimensions of the coffee fruit (length, width, thickness). The saved node coordinates of the grid surface of the fruit model with coffee grains can be the basis to design the equipment units used in the processing of coffee.


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