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Vol. 11 No. 3-4 (2012)


Wpływ typu mąki oraz prędkości wytłaczania na wydajność i energochłonność procesu oraz ekspandowanie ekstrudowanych makaronów błyskawicznych

Submitted: April 27, 2022
Published: 2022-04-27


This paper presents the results of process efficiency, energy consumption during the extrusion-cooking and the radial expansion ratio of precooked pasta. As the raw materials commercial flours were used: purified wheat flour, wholegrain wheat flour, purified spelt flour and wholegrain spelt flour. Pasta were prepared at 65–105°C using single screw extrusion-cooker with a modified cooling-forming section at 30% of raw materials moisture content. The efficiency during processing and specific mechanical energy (SME) depending on extrusion parameters and the raw materials used were recorded and the radial expansion ratios of prepared products were measured. Spelt pasta was characterized by a higher protein, ash and fiber content than refined wheat flour pasta, which influenced on lower processing efficiency. Efficiency of extrusion-cooking process during the manufacture of pasta products from different raw materials increased with the increasing screw speed. SME values ranged from 0.06 to 0.21 kWh∙kg-1, and were dependent on both the raw materials used and the screw speed applied. The use of wheat and spelt wholegrain flours to obtain precooked products lowered expansion ratios of pasta, especially at higher screw speeds used during processing.


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