Wpływ nawadniania kroplowego na plonowanie odmiany cukinii ‘Soraya’

Andrzej Sałata

Department of Vegetable and Medicinal Plant, University of Life Sciences in Lublin St. Leszczyńskiego str. 58, 20-068 Lublin

Rafał Stepaniuk

Horticultural Seeds and Nursery Company PNOS in Ożarów Mazowiecki Żeromskiego str. 3, 05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki


The effect of irrigation during different growth phases on yielding of zucchini ‘Soraya’ cultivar was evaluated in the research. During the conducted experiments different variants of plants irrigation were applied: irrigation during a whole cultivation period, irrigation during vegetative growth till setting fruitlets without irrigation during yielding, not irrigating during vegetative growth till phase of setting fruitlets and irrigating during yielding and not irrigating during cultivation (soil water coming only from natural rainfall). Drip irrigation was used with drip line with emitters efficiency of 4.0 l · h-1. The term of irrigation was estimated with the use of tensiometers, starting irrigation when the soil water potential was not lower than -40 kPa. Single doses of water were 3–4 mm, every 1–3 days, it was 25–55 irrigation doses depending of years. Different influence of irrigation was observed on the zucchini yielding. Irrigation during whole cultivation period and during intensive vegetative growth phase increased yield and number of fruits per plant. The biggest positive influence on yielding was obtained when plants were irrigated during a whole period, when shortage of falls were the biggest. Optimizing humidity conditions during intensive growth of zucchini, from planting seedlings into the field till the beginning of fruiting, it was possible to obtain the biggest yield of fruits as well as hasten and extend the harvest.

Słowa kluczowe:

Cucurbita pepo L., drip irrigation, harvest, stage of growth


Andrzej Sałata 
Department of Vegetable and Medicinal Plant, University of Life Sciences in Lublin St. Leszczyńskiego str. 58, 20-068 Lublin
Rafał Stepaniuk 
Horticultural Seeds and Nursery Company PNOS in Ożarów Mazowiecki Żeromskiego str. 3, 05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki


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