Changes in the production of nursery materials for fruit in the region of Lublin in the years 1994–2004

Eugenia Czernyszewicz


Changes in the production of nursery materials for fruit trees in the Lubleszczyzna region on the basis of results of nursery plantations qualified in the years 1994–2004 were the aim of the research. Mother plantation of vegetative rootstocks and nurseries of generative rootstocks, seed orchards as well as budwood and scions orchards were investigated. Basing on the data analysed in that period it was stated that production of vegetative rootstocks and all generative rootstocks, except Prunus domestica L. var. Wangenheima, had a tendency to increase. The structure of production of vegetative rootstocks: M26 and M9, generative rootstocks – Prunus mahaleb L., Prunus cerasifera var. divaricata Baley, Prunus avium L., dominated.


mother plantations of rootstocks, rootstocks, seed orchards, budwood and scions orchards

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Eugenia Czernyszewicz 


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