Effect of Inert Substrates on Yielding and Chemical Composition of Tomato Fruits Grown in Greenhouse

Zbigniew Jarosz

Katarzyna Dzida


In the experiment with tomato cv. 'Cunero F1' grown in inert substrates (rockwool, perlite, expanded clay) the yield and mineral composition of fruits was investigated. In this research a fertigation system without recirculation was used. The study showed no significant differences in total and marketable yields of tomato grown in inert substrates. A significantly lower unmarketable yield (0.17 kg · plant–1) in rockwool, compared to perlite and expanded clay was detected. The substrates had no significant effect on dry matter, total sugars and mineral nutrient contents in fruits, except potassium. The highest vitamin C content in fruits of tomato grown in expanded Clay was detected.


tomato, inert substrates, total yield, marketable yield, chemical composition of fruits

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Rozporządzenie Komisji EWG nr 778/83 z dn. 30 marca 1983 r. określającej normy jakościowe dla pomidorów. Dz. U. EWG, 86: 14.


Zbigniew Jarosz 
Katarzyna Dzida 


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