Aspects of Flowering, Pollen Exposition and Insect Visits on some Hydrangea L. species

Bożena Denisow


In the years 2001-2004 the observations of blooming and the abundance of pollen flow delivered by Hydrangea shrubs were made. Hydrangea heteromalla D. Don, H. arborescens L., H. arborescens ssp. discolor (Raf.) McClintock, H. paniculata 'Grandiflora' grown in the Botanical Garden in Lublin were studied. The investigated species form inflorescences consisting of two types of flowers. Fertile flowers deliver pollen flow and sterile flowers attract pollinators optically. The following pollen efficiency values were measured: 0.6 g (H. paniculata 'Grandiflora'), 7-11 g (H. arborescens, H. arborescens ssp. discolor), 19.7 g (H. heteromalla) per one shrub, on average. The main pollinators were Apis mellifera, Bombus sp., Andrena, while H. paniculata attracted mainly Diptera.


Hydrangea, pollen efficiency, pollinators

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Bożena Denisow 


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