The ultrasound-assisted sugar extraction from sugar beet cossettes

Dariusz M. Stasiak

Akademia Rolnicza w Lublinie


The aim of this work was to study the ultrasound-assisted water extraction of sugar from sugar beet cossettes. The ultrasound bath device (25 kHz, 200 W) was used. The sonication accelerated sugar diffusion at both temperatures 18ºC and 77.6ºC and gave the higher level of dry matter content SS (4–6%) and sugar content CK (7–22%) in juice. The SS and CK depended on time of exposition, time and temperature of extraction. In particular, the effects of 5 min ultrasound-assisted extraction were equal to 20 min extraction in traditional conditions. The shorter time, lower temperature, higher efficiency and purity of juice could be the effects of sugar extraction with ultrasound. The change of thickness of diffusion membrane, microflows in tissue as well as it’s environment caused by ultrasound was the reason of acceleration of sugar extraction.


ultrasound, extraction, sugar beet

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Dariusz M. Stasiak 
Akademia Rolnicza w Lublinie


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