Diversity analysis of energetic potential of biomass with the application of the fuzzy sets theory

Małgorzata Trojanowska

Zakład Energetyki Rolniczej, Akademia Rolnicza w Krakowie, ul. Balicka 104, 30-149 Kraków


In this paper a diversification of energetic potential of biomass in the areas of Malopolska voivodship was analised. For this purpose, 19 adminstrative districts of Malopolska voivoship were classified out according to the similarity in respect of energy amount from the combustion of straw and wood. To this classification elements of the fuzzy sets theory were applicated, because collected data about energetic potential of biomass didn’t let assigne univocally the administrative districts to specified clusters.


renewable energy, biomass, fuzzy sets

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Małgorzata Trojanowska 
Zakład Energetyki Rolniczej, Akademia Rolnicza w Krakowie, ul. Balicka 104, 30-149 Kraków


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