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Tom 31 Nr 4 (2013)


The effect of the level and form of Fe on the quality of femur bones in broiler chickens

Przesłane: sierpnia 8, 2019
Opublikowane: 2014-02-05


The analyses aimed at determining the effect of administering iron in the form of glycine chelates on physical, chemical, morphometric and strength parameters of the tibia bone in broiler chickens. 200 one-day-old Ross 308 chicks were divided into 4 groups each in 5 repetitions of 10 chicks. The feed mixtures were supplemented with Fe in inorganic form (FeSO4) and organic form (Fe-Gly), covering 100% or 50% of the total requirement of the component recommended for Ross 308 broiler chicks. After the chickens were sacrificed, the tibiae bones were isolated, weighed, measured and frozen for further mechanical analysis. An Instron Universal Testing Machine (Model 3369) was used to determine the bone maximum elastic strength (Wy) and the maximum force moment (Wf). The geometric properties of bones (second moment of interia – Ix, cross-section area – A, mean relative wall thickness – MRWT) and cortical indexes (thickness of cortical layer – GWK, cortical index – WK, cortical surface – PK, cortical surface index – WPK) were estimated on the basis of measuring the external and internal horizontal and vertical axes in the cross section of the bones at the site of the fracture. Degreased bones dried to constant weight were submitted to mineralization in a muffle furnace and the mineral content was determined. The addition of Fe-Gly at the recommended level increased the mass of the bones (g⋅100 g-1 of body weight) by 17.3%, in comparison with the group administered FeSO4 amounting to 20 mg⋅kg-1. The addition of Fe-Gly at a recommended dose caused a significant increase in the content of Ca and Zn in the chickens' femur. The results of the study suggest that Fe-Gly may be used as an alternative for the FeSO4, and the administration of 20 mg⋅kg-1 of Fe in the form of glycine compounds does not result in a lower quality of the bone.  


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