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Tom 29 Nr 1 (2011)


Search for SNP mutations of chosen genes of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis in laying hens

Przesłane: marca 18, 2021
Opublikowane: 2011-03-31


The analyses performed aimed at the detection of possible point mutations in genes from the multi-level neuro-hormonal system, whose products are expressed in various organs of the bird reproductive system. In future, they could be a basis in the search for relations between polymorphism and the level of hatchability traits. The study involved two lines: Rhode Island White (200 individuals) and Rhode Island Red (100 individuals) laying hens. Molecular analyses consisted in preliminary verification of the SNP mutation in selected gene fragments: Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1, exon 3, GeneID: 418090, amplicon length 479 bp) and Progesterone receptor (PGR, intron 6, GeneID: 396198, amplicon length 362 bp). The PCR-RFLP reaction was the second step of the investigations. A point mutation in the 38965 gene nucleotide within exon 3 was detected as a result of the IGFI gene sequencing reaction. The sense mutation involved an adenineto-guanine nucleotide change. In both hen lines, allele A and a mutated allele B with a 50% frequency were identified using the PCR-RFLP method for further analyses. The PGR sequencing reaction revealed a mutation in nucleotide position 34216 in intron 6 of the gene. Here, transition of the adenine to guanine nucleotide occurred. Allele A was identified, after 155 bp and 207 bp fragments had been obtained in the restriction analysis, as well as a mutated 362 bp allele B. Heterozygosity in the study locus was 0.38 for the RIW line and 0.23 for RIR.


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