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Tom 28 Nr 1 (2010)


The level of chinchilla reproductive traits in relation to the behaviour of females

Przesłane: kwietnia 1, 2021
Opublikowane: 2010-03-31


The aim of the study was to estimate the relations between elements of chinchilla female behaviour and the level of reproductive traits. The observations involved 380 deliveries
from 130 females of the breeding stock of chinchillas, var. standard. In order to assess the temperament of the animals, they were tested three times and subsequently classified into one of the following groups: confident and curious, reserved and curious, and withdrawn animals. The animal breeding value of reproductive traits was estimated in the study with the use of the BLUP method combined with the multi-trait repeatability animal model. The significance of the factors included in the model was previously verified with the multivariate analysis of variance. The additive value of the animals was used in determining the mean breeding value of the number of born and weaned kits in the 3 classes of the behaviour type observed in the particular tests. Irrespective of the type of the behavioural test, no significant differences in the breeding value of reproductive traits were observed among the differently tempered chinchilla females.


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