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Tom 28 Nr 3 (2010)


Performance and nitrogen balance in growing-finishing pigs fed restricted or ad libitum diet with lowered protein content

Przesłane: kwietnia 6, 2021
Opublikowane: 2010-09-30


The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of lowered by 10% feed crude protein level in relation to the requirements for pig feeding standards in mixture concentrates for fatteners fed a restricted or ad libitum diet on animal growth, feed conversion ratio and nitrogen balance. The animals (36 pigs) were assigned into 3 groups maintained in pens, 2 animals each. Group I (control) received standard mixture concentrates with a recommended crude protein and amino acids level in compliance with pig feeding standards, whereas the animals from for groups II and III had a diet with a reduced by 10% crude protein and amino acids content. The fatteners from group I and II were fed a restricted diet, while those from group III had free access to feedstuffs (ad libitum). The animals were weighed at the beginning of the experiment at 68–70 BW and before slaughter, with regular control of feed intake. The N-balance tests were performed in metabolic cages on 4 porkers from each group at 35, 55, 75 and 95 kg BW. The results, i.e. daily gains (896, 894 and 911 g daily) and feed conversion ratio (2.41; 2.42 and 2.64 kg/kg bodyweight gain, respectively, throughout the fattening period from 25 to 110 kg) in groups I, II and III as well as N-excreted in manure (36.5, 31.5 and 34.4 g N daily) indicated the potential to minimize nitrogen emission through feed protein reduction by 10% in relation to the pig feeding standards,
in case of free access to feedstuffs.


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